Friday, April 1, 2011

Photos Create Memories

Wow, it has been a few weeks since I posted. I was on spring break so my blog was as well. It was a wonderful spring break this year although I should just call it a break since it didn't feel too much like spring to me.

My trip started off on a sad note, but got better and better. My cousin died of a brain tumor on my birthday so I went to Pendleton, Oregon with my Mom and Dad. He was only a few years older than I am so it was rather difficult to face. It was also rather quick between his diagnosis and our loss. It was great to see family though. Unfortunately it reminded me that we see way too little of one another. It also reminded me of the importance of photos and the emotion photos evoke in us. When we lose someone all we have left is memories and one of the ways we can preserve those memories is through photographs. My older cousin and I were talking about our grandfather and what we remembered about our grandfather who died when I was ten and he was about fourteen. One of the things we remembered was a rare Christmas we spent together as a family at our grandparent's home. As we talked about it, the one thing we both remember clearly is a photo that was taken of our grandfather in his chair with a package on his lap. I don't know that we really remember the Christmas although we both knew that it was rare and important so much as we remember it because of the photo. The photo sparks the memories. It just goes to show how important photos are to our memories. What is also odd about the funeral is that I didn't cry when I found out my cousin had died. I didn't cry when I saw my uncle. I didn't even cry when my cousin's daughter played "Amazing Grace" which always gets me. I totally lost control of my emotions when they played the photo slide show. I looked up and saw the cousin I remember; a photo of him when he was probably between ten and twelve sporting his impish grin. That is when I lost control and cried and missed him.

Rest in peace Gregory Mabbott. You will be missed.

The message today: Take more photos!