Thursday, February 17, 2011

Google Docs for a 12 Months Worth of Journaling Project Made Easy

I am almost at the end of a year of a project I may actually complete since I haven't been very good at the Project 365 thing. It just somehow seems like a lot of pressure to take photos and download them and upload them and then write about them every single day. Then there is the question of what to take do I take a photo of today. I somehow miss some step along the way and it is usually the take the photo part. Seriously, our life isn't very exciting and even the boring photos became redundant. Just how many photos do you want to look at outside my window at work?

As a family historian and scrapbooker, I do feel that it is really important that we tell our own story and chronicle our lives. Frankly, no one else can do it and no one else will try until we are dead and then as we all know, they WILL tell it wrong. So last April, one month after my birthday and several failed attempts at Project 365, I decided to do something I could keep up with instead of something that was fun, but created a lot of pressure for me.

I guess you can call it Project 12. I took a series of questions, typed them into Google Docs and saved them. Then I copied and pasted them 12 times following a month so what I had was April and then the questions and then May and then the same questions and so on. Then around the middle of each month, I would go into the document and answer the questions. I tried to do it close to the 15th of each month, but sometimes I did it around the 20th. I didn't want any pressure. I also knew that I would have at least one photo of myself and/or my life each month because I am always snapping photos, but it always comes in spirts. Again, this was not difficult and I didn't feel pressure to keep up. Now I am almost at the end because today I completed my second to the last entry. Only one more month to go! Yay me! I may actually finish a project! Keep a look out here at my blog or better yet, follow me as I will give you my questions in a later post.